Monday, October 10, 2011

9Oct'11-Kampong Senang event

Ivan(Dolphin's masseur) and Martina(French) connect me with Kampung Senang's 12th year anniversary celebration on 9th Oct. ..organized by Kampung Senang Charity & Education Foundation.
Martina is to produce a short 20min. sketch about how stressed she is and needed help. Ivan came and try to help her with all his stuff also introduced me to stage saying that properly I too can help Martina. With that, we invited some not-so-shy members from the floor to join us on stage for a 10 mins. Laughter Yoga session. I must say it is indeed an eye opening for this group. 
For more details of Kampung Senang visit their web site:

Managed to talk to Madam Joyce Lye Geok Choo who is the co-founder of Kampung Senang Charity and Education Foundation (“Kampung Senang”) about introducing Laughter Yoga session to the members of Kampung Senang through the 1 hour introductory classes.Looking forward to a few sessions with them. 

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