Thursday, May 10, 2012


SMC celebrated WLD #2 this year .
For WLD this year, my team and I decided to have it near my house... yes at the void deck of block 102.
As it was a long weekend, many couldn't come to the session due to last minutes travel, holiday, mother's day celebration, sick, other commitment etc etc . None the less the show goes on with close to 20 pax.
We had a good 1 hour laughter session follow by a simple yet great food of pot luck from everyone's contribution. Very good very good yeah!!!


  1. It was indeed fun, joy, laughter & food galore. Thanks to our Laoshi & Leader Suzanne for organising & planning. Of course not 4getting aLL those who came & participated to make WLD Sp 2012 a happie, joyous, fun luving, successful, meaningful & memorable daY for aLL of US who're part of the Suz's Mobile Laughter Club, very good very good yeah! Posted by Eleanor Wong WH, Laughter Leader :) =><=

  2. very good very good yeah!a wonderful job done.
